Sistemas y Tecnologías Web: Servidor

Master de II. ULL. 1er cuatrimestre. 2020/2021

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Table of Contents

GitHub Releases

GitHub Releases is a way to create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use.

Releases are based on Git tags, which mark a specific point in your repository’s history. A tag date may be different than a release date since they can be created at different times. For more information about viewing your existing tags, see “Viewing your repository’s releases and tags.

Releases are ordered by a tag’s date in the following way:

The release Event

A GitHub event with the name release is triggered when a release is

  • published,
  • unpublished,
  • created,
  • edited,
  • deleted, or
  • prereleased.

See GitHub Webhooks.

Creating Releases Using the GitHub Web App

You can create releases on GitHub Web:

  • On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  • Under your repository name, click Releases.

    Releases tab

  • Click Draft a new release.

    Releases draft button

  • Type a version number for your release. Versions are based on Git tags. We recommend naming tags that fit within semantic versioning.

    Releases tagged version

  • Use the drop-down menu to select the branch that contains the project you want to release.

    Releases tagged branch

  • Type a title and description for your release.

    Releases description

  • Optionally, to include binary files such as compiled programs in your release, drag and drop or manually select files in the binaries box.

    Providing a DMG with the Release

  • To notify users that the release is not ready for production and may be unstable, select This is a pre-release.

    Checkbox to mark a release as prerelease

  • If you’re ready to publicize your release, click Publish release. To work on the release later, click Save draft.

    Publish release and Draft release buttons


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