Sistemas y Tecnologías Web: Servidor

Master de II. ULL. 1er cuatrimestre. 2020/2021

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Table of Contents


Intro to React

Learn by Doing

Hello World React (Learning Concepts from the Ground Up)

  1. React: Hello World
  2. Introducing JSX
  3. Rendering Elements
  4. Components and Props
  5. State and Lifecycle
  6. Handling Events
  7. Conditional Rendering
  8. Lists and Keys
  9. Forms
  10. Lifting State Up
  11. Composition vs Inheritance
  12. Thinking In React
  13. Listenable Events

Creating a React App

This page describes a few popular React toolchains (like create-react-app, gatsby) which help with tasks like:

  • Scaling to many files and components.
  • Using third-party libraries from npm.
  • Detecting common mistakes early.
  • Live-editing CSS and JS in development.
  • Optimizing the output for production.

Create React App. Set up a modern web app by running one command

How to get “create-react-app” to work with your API

React and Boostrap. React-Boostrap

React Tutorial How to build React App in few minutes

React in Visual Studio Code

For a Web App

The majority of websites aren’t, and don’t need to be, single-page apps. With a few lines of code and no build tooling, try React in a small part of your website. You can then either gradually expand its presence, or keep it contained to a few dynamic widgets.

From Scratch

React Function Components

In the past, there have been various React Component Types, but with the introduction of React Hooks it’s possible to write your entire application with just functions as React components.

This in-depth guide shows you everything about React Function Components – which are basically just JavaScript Functions being React Components which return JSX (React’s Syntax) – so that after you have read this tutorial you should be well prepared to implement modern React applications with them.

CSS modules

Learning React by Eve Porcello, Alex Banks

React Router

The Problem

The biggest difference of Single Page Apps (SPA) with traditional multi-page apps is that navigating a single-page app doesn’t involve going to an entirely new page. Instead, your pages (commonly known as views in this context) typically load inline within the same page itself.

When you are loading content inline, things get a little challenging. The hard part is not loading the content itself. That is relatively easy. The hard part is making sure that single-page apps behave in a way that is consistent with what your users are used to. More specifically, when users navigate your app, they expect that:

  1. The URL displayed in the address bar always reflects the thing that they are viewing.
  2. They can use the browser’s back and forward buttons…successfully.
  3. They can navigate to a particular view (aka deep link) directly using the appropriate URL.

With multi-page apps, these three things come for free. There is nothing extra you have to do for any of it. With single-page apps, because you aren’t navigating to an entirely new page, you have to do real work to deal with these three things that your users expect to just work.

To deal with all of this, you have a bucket full of techniques commonly known as routing.

The Solution

See Creating a Single-Page App in React: using React Router by kirupa

GatsBy: A Static Site Generator Using React


Práctica p11-t3-react-tic: Tutorial “Intro to React”. Tic-Tac-Toe

Práctica p14-t3-react-components

Práctica p15-t3-react-lists-and-conditionals

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